Saturday, September 26, 2009

sarcasm .......Re: A sudden outbreak of domestic terror threats

good :]
because I think gentlemen took it from different angles, and it got a little bit confusing

so let me develop a bit.

1. to prevent terrorism, DO NOT OCCUPY foreign lands. do not bomb them apart. its very costly, wrong and unnecessary ..
US conquers (should 'conquer') other countries via peaceful means exclusively - economic, ideas might.

2. it is practically impossible to guard against terrorism, in a time when a bag of powder will kill the whole town, millions, a briefcase will nuke to whole small region, millions .... when people decide on suicides

3. lets get rid of DHS, Patriot act ... yes, as soon as Bush wars are spent, and Islam understands that USA is no more a colonial conquering power

Lastly, even if we have Cia staffed "Qaeda sleeper cells", sting operations, inactive bombs, undercover agents inviting people to "place a bomb and detonate it", the MOST important is, that NOTHING DETONATES ....
not like 9/11. they just took it too far.


while it might have been wishful thinking on Arab fighters to ram airplanes into buildings in the USA, they would have NEVER succeeded, should US gov structures not have taken over the operation and carried it out.


Yes, Petr, I was using sarcasm.

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 10:18 AM,

Thank God we have the Patriot Act and the DHS to protect us from all these bad guys!


  1. First off clown, we do not occupy any countries, guessing that you are thinking like a muslim terrorist and believer that we occupy counties in the Middle East. bin Laden started his war against the US because he said we were occupying Saudi Arabia, wrong. We were asked by the Saudi King to keep troops in that country after Desert Storm. The bases our military stays on are provised for us by the king. If he were to tell us to leave we would.

    Osama bin Laden left his own country because he spoke out against the King and was going to be jailed. He himself as said that the King of Saudi Arabia offered him his citizenship back as well as $500,000 dollars to return home and end his war with the United States. He did not do so. He was upset that the Saudi King gave us bases to use during Desert Storm, instead of have bin Laden lead the fight against Iraq in Kawait.
    Stop reciting the BS the the terrorist and Democrats are saying and learn the truth.

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9/11 Controlled Demolition important links

  • Compare video of real controlled demolitions - amazing, revealing
  • How were explosives set in WTC towers? video
    Links 9/11, old guard: - - -
    New events: - - -
  • The big divide, seminal event in 9/11 Truth Movement - Dr. Jones, Prof Harrit et al. - 9/11 Nanothermite Controlled Demolition Study of 2009 Paper. Original. The game is over. We need polygraph questioning.